
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Annual Core Fair, Thursday 5/14/09, Free Food!

Well, it's that time of year again. The Office of Shared Research Facilities (OSRF) is hosting its annual Core Fair this Thursday from 12:00 to 1:30 PM in the Gordon Center Atrium. Technical Directors and staff from over 21 core facilities will be available to discuss services, hand out literature and display posters featuring Core capabilities. The Flow Facility will have a table set up to showcase some of its new toys and services including information on its newly upgraded FACSAria II, its 4-laser LSRII, the new 561nm laser line on the MoFlo, and perennial favorite, the BioPlex. So you'll definitely want to stop by and get any and all your questions answered on how the techno-savvy core facilities can assist you in your research. As always, if you have questions regarding the services available from any core facility, visit the OSRF web site at, and for any questions regarding Flow Cytometry Instrumetation and Services, you can certainly contact us or visit our web site (if you're not already there) at

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