
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Biolegend's Kelly Lundsten in tha house

We are hosting a seminar on multicolor cytometry next Thursday and we think it should be an absolute blast. We got fluorescent chemistry specialist Kelly Lundsten from Biolegend to come over and talk about the different factors involved in choosing the right panel of fluorochromes in a flow cytometry experiment. For example, she’ll cover the level of antigen expression, with signal:background of the fluor and detection channel, how to categorize antigens to minimize the need for multiple fluorophore versions of the same antibodies, etc. There will be an example of a 10 color assay optimization and the use of FMO controls for gate placement. She will also cover the ins and outs of the different dye chemistries too, organic dyes, proteins and nanocrystals from both a theoretical and practical perspective. Seriously, ask her about nanocrystals. Then try to interrupt her. Fun.

The seminar will be held on:

Thursday April 22nd 2h30PM to 4PM
KCBD Auditorium (room 1103)

Refreshment and snacks will be served.

This should be a very cool talk. Hope to see you there. Let me know if you have any questions.

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