
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

HyperCyt Demo 5/25, 5/26

We will be demonstrating a new 96/384 well sampler on the LSRII-Orange next week. To introduce the platform, we will host a seminar on Tuesday, 5/25 at 10AM in Cummings Room 119. On Wednesday the 26th, we are looking for people who wish to try out the sampler using their own samples. Since this unit will be installed on our LSRII-Orange, please be aware of the lasers/filters on that specific instrument. Here's a few stats on this system. More info can be found on their web site @:

-Max speed: Full 96 well plate in 2.5 minutes, Full 384 well plate in 10 minutes

-Sample Volume: as little as 2ul with zero dead volume, and as much as a full well

-Can be connected to a variety of cytometers

-Carryover in High Throughput Mode can be 1-2%, but inter-well washes decreases carryover to less than 1%

If anyone else out there has one of these, I'd be interested in your thoughts as well. We've used the BD HTS system on a FACSCalibur with not-so-great results, so are looking for something more high throughput, and more stable.

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